söndag 21 mars 2010

Å herre gud lika kul som engrish.com nästan. Och trösterikt!

Från nedan nämnda site:

The client calls around 9 PM on a Saturday evening. When I don’t answer, he calls back 8 more times in rapid-fire succession. I e-mail him from my phone, figuring this was an urgent problem.

Me: “I’m not available at the moment as Saturday evening is not regular business hours. What’s the problem?”

Client: “Please check our Website; it is not working AGAIN.”

[I go to the website and it’s down. Looking into the matter, it seems like the domain name has expired. The domain name was registered by his organization, so my company had absolutely no control over it.]

Me: “We did some research that indicates that the registration may have run out. Your organization registered and managed the domain name, so I can’t help with this since we have no involvement in managing the domain name.”

Client: “[very angry] I am reading your email in disbelief. You are the webmaster - how can there be an aspect of our website that you have no control over?”

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